Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Random Thoughts

So here are just some things that strike my brain as funny. I hope they do you too. We'll see.

 - I love when you're at a football game and they're showing the crowd on the jumbotron. They always get that guy how is looking to the side to see if he's on there, and then suddenly he is. His head starts swiveling back and forth like a bobble head trying to both see himself up there and looking at the camera at the same time. * Warning the later in the game this happens the more likely he is to recreate the exorcist.

- We drove past people tailgaiting and cooking burgers in the parking lot of McDonalds. No shit. Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose. Why not just go in and eat inside. The best part is no one thought it was wrong at the time. Any other time and those guys would be arrested for trespassing.

- We had a guy behind us (we were on the 3rd level, easily 400 yards from the field) yelling at the players on the other team. Don't get me wrong he was good at the insults. "You guys suck. Sanchez you're a MF'in D'Bag. Dirty Sanchez (my favorite btw)". The best part was his buddy who after 3 full min of the other guy screaming at the top of his lungs would try and half yell "yeah, you suck". He was like that little dog in the cartoons. "yeah Spike. Let's go Spike." --- Bonehead.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The End of an Era - RIP Kevin Knox

There are comedians and then there are Comedians. I make the capitol 'C' distinction because in a group like this some folks just stand out from the crowd. Weather they be a great writer, or performer, or both. Kevin Knox was all that and more. As well as being one of the nicest, strongest people you could ever have met. I knew Kevin for more than a decade. I only really saw him at shows or on the road, but I like to think we were friendly if not friends. His personality and presence were a huge factor in how I came up in the business. I saw his act countless times over the years and laughed as hard the last time as the first. But it was because Kevin always gave it his all. Always made sure that the audience got what they came for. That always inspired me to be a better perfomer. He was a great comedian. He was a great man, and he will be missed by me and countless others.

Rest in Peace Kev. You earned it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Gotta Love Football

Okay, so I know it's not quite over yet. But when the Pats look like they're going to loose a game and within the last 2:20 can score twice, once off a great offensive drive and once off a great defensive strip you know this is a great game!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are blogs really this hard?

I really like the idea of havin one, but it seems like there is pressure to put out new posts. Which is really weird, because at this time no one is even reading. I can tell by the statistics for my page. It's kind of funny, I am writing for an audience that isn't there, under pressure that doesn't exist, to write a post no one is reading.
Huh, unless you count yourself? if you've gotten this far then you know at least 'someone' is reading it. Well, at least this one.
Which begs the final question. If a blog is posted to the internet and no one reads it... Does it still have meaning?

sorry. Cheesy, I know, but what the hell... you're not really reading this anyway. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekends are Way too short

Well I'm two posts deep now and I've already taken to bitching about the weekend. don't get me wrong the weekend itself was great. Just that all too soon mid-day saturday turned into holy freak it's Monday Morning. Don't mind me the fact that the Red Sox can only win one in the last two series agains the Yankees is getting me all twisted up.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome to my new Blog.

Well, I guess it was about time. I have been trying to avoid the blogosphere. Mostly because it seems everyone has one, so how do I compete. I decided I wasn't going to. This will just be me rambling about things I like or hate. It may be poker, comedy, society or just life in general. I'll try to make it funny, but no promises. :)