Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are blogs really this hard?

I really like the idea of havin one, but it seems like there is pressure to put out new posts. Which is really weird, because at this time no one is even reading. I can tell by the statistics for my page. It's kind of funny, I am writing for an audience that isn't there, under pressure that doesn't exist, to write a post no one is reading.
Huh, unless you count yourself? if you've gotten this far then you know at least 'someone' is reading it. Well, at least this one.
Which begs the final question. If a blog is posted to the internet and no one reads it... Does it still have meaning?

sorry. Cheesy, I know, but what the hell... you're not really reading this anyway. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekends are Way too short

Well I'm two posts deep now and I've already taken to bitching about the weekend. don't get me wrong the weekend itself was great. Just that all too soon mid-day saturday turned into holy freak it's Monday Morning. Don't mind me the fact that the Red Sox can only win one in the last two series agains the Yankees is getting me all twisted up.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome to my new Blog.

Well, I guess it was about time. I have been trying to avoid the blogosphere. Mostly because it seems everyone has one, so how do I compete. I decided I wasn't going to. This will just be me rambling about things I like or hate. It may be poker, comedy, society or just life in general. I'll try to make it funny, but no promises. :)